Kunbry Peipei

About Kunbry Peipei

“I was born in Areyonga and went to Mutitjulu every school holidays with my parents. When school started in Areyonga I went to school on the tourist bus that went on the old back road from Mutitjulu, behind our house. I worked as a ranger in Mutitjulu for many years, catching tjakura. I first started painting in Mutitjulu, my mother was always painting and I learnt by watching her.”

Kunbry Peipei was born at Areyonga in the Northern Territory, coming to Uluru for the first time as a child. Now based in Mutitjulu Community, Kunbry is one of Walkatjara’s founder painters. She predominantly paints Kapi (Waterhole Story) and Minyma Tjuta (Many Women) using the quintessential dot painting style to depict the significant waterholes and river courses of her Country. Her work is directly connected to the land here at Uluru and are representative of her identity and her home.