Dulcie Moneymoon

About Dulcie Moneymoon

“I’m from Alice Springs and my father from Jay Creek, long time. We stayed there and then moved to Docker River. My father told us about his homeland. My father’s father, his homeland is Kulaya. Then we shifted there when I was a little girl with my big sister, Gloria. We all stayed there as a family, then we moved here to Mutijulu. My big brother he came to work here as a ranger so we all stayed here.

I started painting in my 20s at the old art gallery in Mutijulu. We were all young girls with no kids. I’ve just been painting and selling since then.

Mostly the stories I paint are Mai Wiru (bush foods), Maku (Witchetty grub) and Tinka (Sand goanna). I paint Kungkarangkalpa (Seven Sisters) and I paint my Grandfather’s story too.”