Chriselda Farmer
About Chriselda Farmer
Chriselda is an artist belonging to the Ngaanyatjarra language group in Western Australia. She was born in Alice Springs and moved to Tjukurla WA when she was a little girl with her immediate family. Occasionally she comes to Mutitjulu to visit her mother’s family who live here.
Chriselda went to school in Warakurna and developed a strong interest in the arts. She is a painter, weaver and intermittent Arts Worker at Tjukurla Arts Centre in Western Australia. In her job there she has learnt to cut, prime and prepare canvas, document art and help keep the arts centre functioning.
Chriselda learnt the art of basket-making and fibre sculpting from her mother-in-law and prominent Tjanpi artist Nancy Nanana Jackson. She quickly adopted the same Minarri (grass) rich coil-style characteristic of basket-makers in the Ngaanyatjarra communities, which creates baskets with the Minarri visible between stitches. She is very proud to have her works acquired by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney.